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A festival of the senses

Every year the second weekend in June, thousands of people gather in Hamar to experience how life might have been in the Middle Ages.

  • Medieval campsite with tents by Lake Mjøsa
    Anno Domkirkeodden | Øyonn Steen Skjeveland

This is a festival for all the senses. Here you can see, hear, taste, touch and smell the middle ages. 

Experience medieval crafts, knights, jousting, food, brewery, music, archery, jesters, theatre performances, sword fights, reenactors, a historical battle and much more!

You'll find fun activites that the whole family can take part in toghether, whether you're 2 or 90 years old. How about learning how to be a knight, or maybe learn how to shoot a longbow? 

When you're tired, sit down in one of our scenic picnik areas and enjoy your lunch while you watch the viking ships sail by.


  • Medieval market and herb garden in front
    Anno Domkirkeodden
  • Medieval market and visitors
    Anno Domkirkeodden
  • 3/18
    Øyonn Steen Skjeveland | Domkirkeodden
  • 4/18
    Øyonn Steen Skjeveland | Domkirkeodden
  • 5/18
    Mailind Solvind Mjøen
  • 6/18
    Signe Marie Johnsen
  • 7/18
    Signe Marie Johnsen
  • 8/18
    Kai Gjessing
  • 9/18
    Tor-Aril Bækkeli
  • 10/18
    Robin Cornel Berntsen
  • 11/18
    Domkirkeodden | Signe Marie Johnsen
  • 12/18
    Mandel Mike's epler Jane Trolle | Domkirkeodden
  • 13/18
    Linjentene Jane Trolle | Domkirkeodden
  • 14/18
    Greg bronsestøper Jane Trolle | Domkirkeodden
  • 15/18
    Jane Trolle
  • 16/18
  • 17/18
  • Medieval campsite with tents by Lake Mjøsa
    Anno Domkirkeodden | Øyonn Steen Skjeveland
Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2