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Volunteering tasks

We are depending on volunteering participants to run our festival. By signing up for this, you get a memory of a life time and give us valuable help at the same time!


Destribute flyers and programs, hang up posters, participate in events at the local shopping centres  and other marketing activities in the weeks before the festival. Can be combined with other tasks under the actual festival.

Operational Technical

If you have practical skills there is a big opportunity that you can be used to build stands, emtpy the trash, clean and be at hand whenever it is needed.

Ticket sale

We need a lot of people who can sell tickets during the festival. You have to handle stress well for this task, and should know how to do a little mental math, even though training is given.

Parking attendant

Guide cars to find a parking spot, sell parking tickets manually if there is a line at the parking ticket machine or the driver wants it, make sure everyone has a parking ticket.

Selling and serving food

Cut and cook meat and vegetables, stir in different pots, serve people who wish to buy food both in the restaurant and by the grill outside the bar. Other types of kitchen help include tidying and cleaning the dishes.

The bar

To work in the bar, you have to be aged 18+. Sell wine, beer, mead and snacks to customers. Clean tables. Some night-time working has to be expected.

Caring nun/-monk

Walk around to the other volunteers and make sure they are ok, serve them coffee and/or water and maybe some food from the participants’ canteen.

Princess school

Keep track of excited, little princesses. Write lists and diplomas. Help teach how to be princesses for example how to kiss a frog, waving and courtesy.

Costume help

Help make the costumes ready before the festival (needle sewing, ironing and such), and correct cleaning of the costumes after the festival. Make sure the other volunteers get the correct costume, make sure all volunteers return their costumes.

Information desk

The administrative heart of the festival. Here is where the free admission tickets and pre-paid tickets get checked in. This booth is also where visitors get help or info about everything they are wondering about. For this job we need service minded people with a smile, who has a good overview, and who likes to help people.

Ticket control

It is important that only people with tickets are allowed into the festival, and that only people with a food ticket are let into the participant canteen. This job is a relatively stand still task with short hours, expect having more than one shift a day.


The artists need to be driven, equipment needs to be moved, errands are carried out. For all of this we mostly need a car, and somebody to drive the car. If you have a driver’s license and possibly a car you can use, we would be really happy for this.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2